Keywords: potential, rural areas, strategy, principles, development, policy


The article examines approaches to managing the development of rural areas. Development prospects have been determined, focused on the development of small-scale production and the development of energy cooperation and the processing of waste into biofuel. The proposed principles of the long-term employment policy of the rural population of the regions. Determination of strategic directions of reforming rural areas for the future. Strategic goals and priorities for the employment of the rural population have been established. The consolidated indicators of the strategy foresee an annual increase in the employment of the rural population of the regions by 1-2% and a gradual change in the structure of the employment of the rural population due to an increase in its share in the non-production sphere due to the diversification of the rural economy and the production of alternative energy sources; equalization of socio-economic conditions and living standards in rural areas and in cities; improvement of the demographic situation in the countryside at the expense of the system state. The goal of the strategic development of rural areas is the formation of a structurally ordered and investment-attractive rural economy of the region with productive employment of the rural population, an effective social security system, a favorable natural environment and a highly developed logistics and transport scheme. The proposed strategic directions for the development of rural areas on the basis of small-scale production and the development of biofuel production are based on the possibilities of more complete management and effective use of natural, material, financial and labor resources in rural areas. In addition, it is aimed at preserving the rural structure in the territory, employment of the population and development of human potential. The implementation of these measures will enable territorial communities in the countryside to become self-sufficient, ecologically clean communities of social well-being and good governance with developed infrastructure, orderly public space and a competitive local economy.


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How to Cite
Furman, I., & Dmytryk, O. (1). FORMATION OF STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 46-53.