• Yuri Kyrylov State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
Keywords: economy, economic growth model, economic miracle, the gross domestic product, reform, taxes, corruption, investment, system 5/10


In article on the basis of studying of specialized literature and synthesis of practical experience was carried the analysis of development of economy of the leading countries of the world on gross domestic product indicator per capita. Are considered possibilities of an economic miracle in Ukraine by introduction of reforms of the revolutionary direction, in particular system 5/10. The essence of the system 5/10. Analyzes the main stages of system implementation 5/10 in the economy of Ukraine. The basis of 5/10 based on the principle of economic freedom, which applies to every citizen of the country. We are talking about rights and opportunities to earn money without the appropriate permissions from state authorities. Low business activity in Ukraine, bureaucracy, corruption is a consequence of complicated tax and licensing systems. System 5/10 can become a step towards the realization of the concept of "Ukraine without taxes." The introduction of a simplified system 5/10 will not only fill the budget, but also will help our country in the list of States with the best investment climate. Subsequently, the possible repeal of all taxes and transition to a system of tax-free state, where all citizens of Ukraine are exempt from taxes and pay only for what you use – land, property, resources. This will allow you to create the best country in the world for living and doing business. It is therefore proposed to repeal and implement simple and clear system of relations with the state. "Tax state" system (5/10) – this is the only way to get into the territory of Ukraine a huge amount of funds because it will be profitable to go to live and work. Funds will come from Europe, Russia, China and even the United States, but we need to get rid of the phenomenon of bureaucracy. And that is the idea of building a huge tax-free state, which is between Europe and Russia, is the chance to become the richest nation in the world. Open borders, free circulation of currency, waiver of excise duties, VAT, establishing a tax-free country where the government will not participate in the economic life of citizens, and is the only economic player. Ukraine can become the world's first tax-free country, which exists due to the lease of state property, payments for land, mineral resources, where there is no tax service.


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How to Cite
Kyrylov, Y. (2020). WHETHER AN ECONOMIC MIRACLE IS POSSIBLE IN UKRAINE?. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 9-16. Retrieved from http://www.tnv-econom.ksauniv.ks.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/42