Keywords: organizational culture of the enterprise, business, motivation, skills, development, influencing factors


In modern conditions, the organizational culture of an enterprise evolves naturally. All processes in the field of enterprise activity are interconnected and mutually conditioned by both the internal and external environment. Suppose the specifics of the formation of organizational culture and the motivational mechanisms built into it are regulated by the company's management. In that case, the conditions in which such changes will occur can be significant in the external environment of enterprises. Measuring and researching factors and their impact on the formation and development of business organizational culture is becoming an urgent methodological issue. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze factors influencing the formation and development of the organizational culture of business in Ukraine in modern conditions. Based on the conducted research, it was concluded that the system of external factors regarding the current state of socio-economic and organizational aspects of the business environment could comprehensively influence the processes of development of certain types of activities, implementation of management, formation of the organizational culture of business as a whole. According to the results of the factor analysis, it was proved that the conditions of formation and the level of development of the organizational culture of business in Ukraine are determined by the following components: - the potential of economic and digital business development and the availability of personnel (F1); - income from work and expected life expectancy of the population (F2); - intensity of investment processes and youth employment (F3). When building mechanisms of motivational influence in the organizational culture system, the expediency of taking into account the existing type of organizational culture and assessing the impact of the labor contribution of personnel in achieving goals along with the external environment is substantiated by the example of specific enterprises. Also, the results of the conducted factor analysis can be used to form recommendations for improving motivational mechanisms built into the organizational culture of business in Ukraine. In particular, it concerns the solution of youth employment issues.


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How to Cite
Yaniieva, D., & Nemashkalo, K. (2023). STUDY OF INFLUENCING FACTORS ON THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF BUSINESS IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 176-182.